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Joint Commission Inspection

Excel Beyond Accreditation with Certification

You may have already achieved accreditation, or you want to make sure your program or service is performing at a high level. Give your team the validation and recognition of earning Joint Commission certification, and show your patients you’re committed to providing consistent quality of care.

For information on how your organization can benefit from our services call us today at (817) 386-3489.

Maintain Standards with Unique One Medical

Joint Commission standards are the basis of an objective evaluation process that can help health care organizations measure, assess, and improve performance. The standards focus on important patient, individual, or resident care and organization functions that are essential to providing safe, high quality care. The Joint Commission’s state-of-the-art standards set expectations for organization performance that are reasonable, achievable, and survey-able.

Standards Development and Maintenance Process

Joint Commission standards are developed with input from health care professionals and subject matter experts like Unique One Medical. They are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus and reviewed by the Board of Commissioners. New standards are added only if they relate to patient safety or quality of care, have a positive impact on health outcomes, meet or surpass law and regulation, and can be accurately and readily measured.

RUST: The Silent Threat To Infection Control

Let’s talk about rust, your silent threat to infection control. Rust can wreak havoc on hospital’s moveable medical equipment, surgical instruments and other equipment that is often wiped down with tough healthcare cleaners. The Joint Commission and Center for Medicare and Medicaid services are now on the lookout for rust in your facility, which makes it crucial to prevent and address rust on your medical surfaces.

According to “Environmental Infection Prevention Guide”, a guide by the Joint Commission Resources (JCR), rust was one of the top-cited deficiencies found in facilities. JCR suggests that when selecting equipment, facilities should consider if the equipment has components that may rust (IC. 02.02.01). This equipment may include the hospital’s moveable medical equipment, surgical instruments, and other hardware that has metal features. If rust is found on your equipment during your Joint Commission survey it can result in immediate remediation of the problem and potential fines.

Resources and Solutions

Unique One Medical analyzes evidence-based data and works with industry leaders and clinicians to determine ways to help drive quality initiatives and patient safety in health care.

Find out more about Unique One Medical and schedule a meeting today!

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